Andean Flamingo
Thy are one of the rarest flamingos in the world. It is closely related to James's flamingo. The flamingo has a pale pink body with brighter upperparts, deep vinaceous-pink lower neck, breast, and wing coverts. It is the only flamingo species with yellow legs and three-toed feet. The bill of the Andean flamingo is pale yellow and black. The Andean flamingo has the typical elegant body shape, with a long curved neck and long legs. They are distinguished from other flamingos by their deep lower mandible, and very long filtering filaments on the maxilla. They are the largest of the three flamingos of the Andes.
They are native to the wetlands of the high Andes mountain range from southern Peru to northwestern Argentina and northern Chile. Andean flamingos are migratory, with the ability to travel up to 700 miles in one day. In the summer, they live in salt lakes, and migrate to the lower wetlands for the winter. The cause of this migration from summer to winter is possibly due to the extreme aridity of salt flats during the winter. The path of migration is unknown, but it is thought to occur between the Chilean breeding grounds and the wetlands of central and western Argentina.
These flamingos are filter feeders and their diet ranges over the entire spectrum of available foods, from fish to invertebrates, from vascular plants to microscopic algae. The flamingos feed from the bottom layer of the lake for small particles, mainly diatoms. They have a deep-keeled bill; the upper mandible is narrower than the lower, creating a gape on the dorsal surface of the bill. The bill morphology facilitates feeding of diatoms through inertial impaction. This mechanism entails that food particles denser than water, such as diatoms, would impact the filtering surface in the bill, causing water to flow out of the mouth and leaving diatoms in the flamingo's bill. The flamingos forage in shallow salty waters for resources. However, the overall foraging behavior of Andean flamingos remains unclear.
They are monogamous and pairs may stay together for several years. These birds breed in colonies numbering thousands of individuals, in December and January. A pair produces one chalky white egg, laid on a mound of mud in shallow water. Both male and female incubate the egg, for 27-31 days, and both care for the young. When they hatch, the chicks are fed crop milk, a substance which comes from the upper digestive tract of the parent birds. The chicks stay in their nest for the following 5 to 8 days and then form groups of chicks called crèches, which can have hundreds of chicks, looked after by just several adult flamingos. Chicks are not able to fend for themselves until aged 6 to 10 months. They will gain sexual maturity and their full adult plumage at 3-6 years of age.
The total may be slightly higher than 38,675 individuals that were counted in the 2010 International Simultaneous Census. From the mid-1980s to mid-1990s, the population declined from around 50,000-100,000 individuals to 34,000, indicating a rapid decline. Exploitation has now decreased and results from census data suggest that the population remained stable at least between 1997 and 2010. They were last assesed on 1st October 2016 by the IUCN Red List, the total number of Andean flamingos is approximately 39,000 individuals. Today this species’ population is stable but it is classified as vulnerable (VU).
There are to main threats to andean flamingos and they are mining and human disturbances. Mining activities, unfavourable water-levels, erosion of nest-sites and human disturbance may also affect productivity. Outside protected areas in Bolivia, there is a low level of hunting for food, oils and feathers, especially targeting immatures and juveniles. Their habitat is constantly changing due to human activity. The primary threat to their population is mining excavations, which occurs at the end of the summer rainy season. Their habitat is rich in boron compounds, specifically borax. Borax is fairly toxic at high dosages to animals but not to humans. Studies testing the effects of borax exposure in animals show that excess boron causes skeletal malformations, cardiovascular defects, and degeneration of testes. A study on the mining environment determined as little as 5g of borax can produce adverse effects in animal populations, but human workers remain unaffected at these levels. A study on Salinas Lake in Peru showed that mining companies have established themselves adjacent to the flamingos' nesting sites, and some mining is performed near flamingo breeding grounds and feeding sites. Flamingos abandoned their nesting sites if mining was initiated after the establishment of nesting colonies and in close proximity. An increase of hydrocarbon exploration resulted in a decreased success rate for breeding. Mining creates a muddy environment, which entraps flamingos, thus increasing mortality. Surveys conducted on residents near the mining activities report sightings of dead flamingos exhumed by the bulldozers. The extraction process also affects the water availability. Andean flamingos filter surface water for food, but borax mining pollutes this water. Along with the pollution, the extractions expedite the removal of lake moisture. By limiting the amount of water in the lake, mining companies can increase visibility, thus contributing to more optimal mining. A study comparing the correlation between water availability and flamingo population determined that the number of flamingos was strongly correlated to the proportion of water in the lake. With an insufficient food supply and a disturbed habitat, the decrease in offspring seems inevitable. The collecting of eggs to sell as food was intensive in the mid-20th century and the early 1980s, with thousands taken annually. This illegal hunting has increased over time due to an increase in international demand for flamingo eggs. Poaching is conducted by organized groups within Chile; the group members trap the flamingos and export them to Europe, the United States, and other overseas destinations. The removal of eggs can disturb the nesting process and cause the flamingo to abandon its nest, even if some eggs remain. Egg removal might be acceptable if the local populations were malnourished, but studies on the diets of the local people show no protein deficiency. In the area of study, the common people raise llamas and alpacas, which offer a higher content of protein than flamingo eggs. Alongside mining activities, unregulated tourism has taken its toll on the flamingos' habitat. Over time, numerous peat bogs have developed throughout the land. These bogs gradually build up and begin to overflow into the lake. When the bogs enter the lake, they decrease the surface area of the water and prevent the flamingos from entering the lake to feed. As a result of the mining and the tourism, new infrastructure, such as highways, are being built into the Andes. Highways now run alongside the flamingos' habitat. With the addition of these roads, accessibility to the flamingos' habitat increases, leading to more commercial mining and tourism, which in turn results in detrimental effects to the Andean flamingo population. The development of new infrastructure has caused severe fragmentation of the lake, diminishing the biodiversity, and increasing the possibility of extinction for all species. The demand for surface and underground water, energy production, and transportation, as well as unregulated tourism, have all increased in the last two decades. These increases were documented to be most significant in Chile, the main location for Andean flamingo breeding colonies. As a consequence, these areas are concentrated with toxic compounds due to mineral and hydrocarbon exploration. Since the 1980s, the number of successful breeding colonies and the total production of chicks of Andean flamingos declined. As a result, the Andean flamingos are threatened species.
Conservation Actions Underway
Breeding occurs in Salinas and Aguada Blanca Nature Reserve in Peru, Salar de Atacama National Flamingo Reserve in Chile, Las Chinchillas Provincial Natural Reserve in Argentina, and Eduardo Avaroa National Faunal Reserve in Bolivia, with a protected non-breeding site at Laguna de los Pozuelos Natural Monument in Argentina . Conservation actions, locally including habitat management, prevention of egg-collecting and raising public awareness, are being undertaken.
Conservation Actions Proposed
Continue surveying high Andean salt-lakes to monitor known populations and locate additional ones. Protect more sites and raise the status of existing reserves. Guard unprotected nest-sites.