Polar Bear(Ursus Maritimus)
Adult male polar bears weigh 350–700 kg and measure 2.4–3 metres in length. Adult females are roughly half the size of males and normally weigh 150–250 kg, measuring 1.8–2.4 metres in length. When pregnant, females can weigh as much as 500 kg. The polar bear is among the most sexually dimorphic of mammals. All bears are short-tailed but the polar bear's is the shortest amongst living bears, ranging from 7-13 cm in length. Compared with its closest relative, the brown bear, the polar bear has a more elongated body build and a longer skull and nose.
![Polar bear.jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ddef97_dde3274019424c78a795c102bfaf4c19~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_520,h_347,al_c,lg_1,q_80,enc_avif,quality_auto/Polar%20bear.jpg)
They are a marine mammal as they spend many months of the year at sea. It is the only living marine mammal with powerful, large limbs and feet that allow them to cover kilometres on foot and run on land. Its preferred habitat is the annual sea ice covering the waters over the continental shelf and the Arctic inter-island archipelagos. These areas, known as the Arctic ring of life, have high biological productivity in comparison to the deep waters of the high Arctic. Freshwater is limited in these environments because it is either locked up in snow or saline. Annual ice contains areas of water that appear and disappear throughout the year as the weather changes.
A polar bear can eat 100 pounds of blubber in a single sitting. Ringed seals are the most accessible, especially to younger bears and females. Male polar bears also hunt larger bearded seals. When an adult bear is in good shape, polar bears often eat only the blubber in order to build up the fat reserves they need to sustain themselves between meals. They leave the carcass for scavengers such as arctic foxes, ravens, and other bears.
Courtship and mating take place on the sea ice in April and May, when polar bears congregate in the best seal hunting areas. A male may follow the tracks of a breeding female for 100 km or more, and after finding her, they engage in intense fighting with other males over mating rights, fights often result in scars and broken teeth. Polar bears have a polygynous mating system. Partners stay together and mate repeatedly for an entire week; the mating ritual induces ovulation in the female. After mating, the fertilized egg remains in a suspended state until August or September. During these four months, the pregnant female eats prodigious amounts of food, gaining at least 200 kg and often more than doubling her body weight. When the ice floes are at their minimum in the fall, ending the possibility of hunting, each pregnant female digs a maternity den consisting of a narrow entrance tunnel leading to one to three chambers. Most maternity dens are in snowdrifts, but may also be made underground in permafrost if it is not sufficiently cold yet for snow. In most subpopulations, maternity dens are situated on land a few kilometres from the coast, and the individuals in a subpopulation tend to reuse the same denning areas each year. The polar bears that do not den on land make their dens on the sea ice. In the den, she enters a dormant state similar to hibernation. This hibernation-like state does not consist of continuous sleeping; however, the bear's heart rate slows from 46 to27 beats per minute. Her body temperature does not decrease during this period as it would for a typical mammal in hibernation.
Between November and February, cubs are born blind, covered with a light down fur, and weighing less than 0.9 kg, but in captivity they might be delivered in the earlier months. On average, each litter has two cubs. The family remains in the den until mid-February to mid-April, with the mother maintaining her fast while nursing her cubs on a fat-rich milk. By the time the mother breaks open the entrance to the den, her cubs weigh about 10-15 kilograms. For about 12 -15 days, the family spends time outside the den while remaining in its vicinity, the mother grazing on vegetation while the cubs become used to walking and playing. Then they begin the long walk from the denning area to the sea ice, where the mother can once again catch seals. Depending on the timing of ice-floe breakup in the fall, she may have fasted for up to eight months. During this time, cubs playfully imitate the mother's hunting methods in preparation for later life. Adult bears of either gender occasionally kill and eat polar bear cubs. In most areas, cubs are weaned at two and a half years of age, when the mother chases them away or abandons them. Females begin to breed at the age of four years in most areas, and five years in the area of the Beaufort Sea. Males usually reach sexual maturity at six years; however, as competition for females is fierce, many do not breed until the age of eight or ten. Maternal success appeared to decline after this point, possibly because of an age-related impairment in the ability to store the fat necessary to rear cubs.
According to The IUCN Red List, they are classed as Vulnerable(VU). Of the 19 recognized polar bear subpopulations, one is in decline, two are increasing, seven are stable, and nine have insufficient data, as of 2017. Modern methods of tracking polar bear populations have been implemented only since the mid-1980s, and are expensive to perform consistently over a large area. The most accurate counts require flying a helicopter in the Arctic climate to find polar bears, shooting a tranquilizer dart at the bear to sedate it, and then tagging the bear.
Anthropogenic and natural changes in Arctic environments, as well as recognition of the shortcomings of our knowledge of Polar Bear ecology, are increasing the challenges for Polar Bear conservation and management. Higher ambient temperatures and erratic weather fluctuations, symptoms of anthropogenic climate change, are increasing across the range of polar bears. Polar Bears are dependent upon Arctic sea ice for access to their prey. Their dependence on an ephemeral habitat that exists as a function of sea surface and atmospheric temperatures means that climate warming poses the single most important threat to the long-term persistence of Polar Bears. Changes in sea-ice are known to alter Polar Bear abundance, productivity, body condition, and distribution, continued climate warming will increase future uncertainty and pose severe risks to the welfare of Polar Bear subpopulations. Although Polar Bears living in historically colder regions, the Arctic might derive transient benefit from a climate-driven transition away from multi-year ice, the annual sea ice must persist long enough for Polar Bears to derive benefit from associated changes in seal availability and biological productivity. An annual ice-free period of ≥5 months is likely to lead to extended fasting, which is predicted to lead to increased reproductive failure and starvation. Nevertheless, uncertainty and regional variability in the near-term effects of climate change must be included in Polar Bear management and conservation plans.
Declining sea ice availability can impair the ability of pregnant females to reach traditional denning areas and increases of rain events will be detrimental for denning Polar Bears.
The occurrence of diseases and parasites in Polar Bears is rare compared with occurrences in other bears. However, with warming Arctic temperatures, altered climate could influence infectious disease epidemiology through mechanisms such as novel pathogen introduction due to range expansion of carrier animals and arthropod vectors; modification of host susceptibility; changes in pathogen evolution, transmission, and number of generations per year; host immunosuppression; shifts in main food sources; altered behaviour; and co-infections with multiple agents. As a result, the potential for exposure to pathogens and resulting disease outbreaks may become more significant threats as Polar Bears experience the cumulative effects of multiple stressors. Parasitic agents that have developmental stages outside the bodies of warm-blooded hosts will likely benefit from the warmer and wetter weather projected for the Arctic. Improved conditions for such parasites have already adversely affected the health of some Arctic mammals. Bacterial parasites also are likely to benefit from a warmer and wetter Arctic. As the effects of climate change become more prevalent, there is concern about the emergence of new pathogens within polar bear range, new threats from existing pathogens that may be able to infect immuno-compromised/stressed bears, and the potential for new and existing pathogens to cross human–animal boundaries. Because of the previous limited exposure of Polar Bears to diseases and parasites, researchers have as yet been unable to determine whether they will be more susceptible to new pathogens. However, concern is exacerbated by the fact that Polar Bears appear to have a naïve immune system, which may make them particularly vulnerable to infection. Many different pathogens have been found in seal species that are Polar Bear prey; the potential therefore exists for transmission of these diseases to Polar Bears. If Polar Bears become nutritionally stressed, altered foraging behaviours such as increased feeding on the internal organs of their primary prey and use of alternative foods may increase the potential for exposure to pathogens. Ensuring the long-term persistence of Polar Bears will necessitate understanding how a rapidly changing physical environment modulates exposure to disease risk factors and, ultimately, population health.
Oil development in the Arctic poses a wide of range of threats to Polar Bears ranging from oil spills to increased human-bear interactions. It is probable that an oil spill in sea ice habitat would result in oil being concentrated in leads and between ice floes resulting in both Plar Bears and their main prey (Ringed Seal and Bearded Seal) being directly exposed to oil. Polar Bears are often attracted by the smells and sound associated with human activity. Polar Bears are known to ingest plastic, styrofoam, lead acid batteries, tin cans, oil, and other hazardous materials with lethal consequences in some cases. Another concern is that seals covered in oil may be a major source of oil to polar bears. Although the biological threats and impacts of oil and gas activities on Polar Bears are reasonably well understood, mitigation and response plans are currently lacking. Moreover, how Polar Bears will be affected by other types of human activity are less well known.
Human caused habitat change and increasing human-bear interactions also must be incorporated into polar bear population projections and polar bear harvest management in the future. Due to increased access to previously isolated areas, Polar Bears will face increased risks from a variety of human–bear interactions. New settlements are possible with industrial development, and expansion of tourist visitations is assured. Although the fact of human–bear interactions can be reasonably measured, we have a long way to go to understand the effect of such interactions. The added stresses, resulting from a “more crowded” Arctic, may play an important role in the future welfare of Polar Bears.
The International Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears that was signed in 1973 by the five nations Canada, Denmark (Greenland) Norway, Soviet Union (Russian Federation) and USA, provides guidance. Article II of the Agreement states that each contracting party “…shall manage polar bear populations in accordance with sound conservation practices based on the best available scientific data,…” and according to Article VII, “The Contracting Parties shall conduct national research programs on Polar Bears…” and “...consult with each other on the management of migrating Polar Bear populations...”. These articles have been important for stimulating governments to support applied research to answer management questions regarding Polar Bears throughout their range. In light of the growing concern over Polar Bear conservation in relation to climate change and a number of other issues, such as oil- and gas activities, shipping and tourism, the five Parties have agreed to initiate a process that would lead to a coordinated approach to conservation and management strategies for Polar Bears. A key aspect of this approach is the recognition that plans for action should be developed at a national level leading up to development of comprehensive circumpolar plan for action that address Polar Bear conservation. The Circumpolar Action Plan for Polar Bear is planned to be signed by the parties in autumn 2015. The Parties recognize that Article VII of the Agreement calls for all Parties to conduct national research programs, particularly relating to the conservation and management of Polar Bears, and that they shall coordinate such research and exchange information on research programs, results, and data on bears taken. The Parties continue to be committed to carrying out research in support of Polar Bear conservation. The Parties also recognize that the technical support and scientific advice on Polar Bear conservation provided by the PBSG supports the 1973 Agreement and is a vital part of the decision making process that the competent authorities should consider in making management decisions. The PBSG has accepted to serve as an independent science advisory body to the Parties.
The PBSG regards the 1973 Agreement as the cornerstone and basis for any action plan on Polar Bears. The PBSG has identified the following research elements to be included in all action plans:
Assessment of subpopulation size and/or trend and projection of future status
Monitoring harvest and other removals
Understanding movements and distribution patterns and how they are changing with ongoing habitat changes
Establishing trends in physical condition and why they are changing
Documenting human-bear conflicts
Documenting trends in habitat use, availability and trends
Documenting trends in pollution and disease
Vital rates estimation, evaluating trends and projection
The PBSG recognizes that particular elements (for example, monitoring of pollution and sea ice habitat) are of inter-jurisdictional concern and would benefit from multi-jurisdictional cooperation. Further, the Parties shall consult with each other on the management of shared Polar Bear subpopulations, and exchange information on research and management programs. The PBSG has reiterated that all management actions be based on the best scientific information. The PBSG has identified these management elements to be included in all action plans:
Protection of essential habitats
Use of scientific evidence
Monitoring, prevention and sound management of human-bear conflicts
Development of inter-jurisdictional agreements for shared populations
Development of management strategies to minimize impacts of human activities (e.g. mining, shipping, oil and gas activities, tourism and other human-caused disturbance)
Management of sustainable harvest
Ensure the active involvement of the local public living in polar bear areas in developing and achieving the goals of the action plan